Challenges in Guiding Sahaja Yoga Aspirants: Shri Mataji's Perspective

Shri Mataji Lecture

Challenges in Guiding Sahaja Yoga Aspirants: A Mother’s Perspective

  1. Generous Offers of Financial Support:
    • Many Sahaja Yoga aspirants express willingness to offer substantial financial support, believing it will contribute to the cause.
  2. Time Constraints and Lack of Commitment:
    • Some individuals, particularly Indians, cite busy schedules as a reason for not actively participating in Sahaja Yoga. Their commitment is limited by work obligations.
  3. Unwillingness to Renounce Habits:
    • Another category of seekers admits to their unwillingness to give up vices such as drinking or relationships. They express a desire to join Sahaja Yoga without making necessary lifestyle changes.
  4. Transformation and Transmutation:
    • Mother emphasizes the need for transformation and transmutation within individuals entering Sahaja Yoga.
    • Sahaja Yoga is not a commercial venture, and the goal is not merely to accumulate followers but to create genuinely transformed individuals.
  5. Creating Beautiful Souls for the Kingdom of God:
    • The objective is not to compromise with the divine principles but to create individuals worthy of entering the Kingdom of God.
    • Mother stresses the importance of elevating consciousness and eliminating sinful habits.
  6. Forgiveness and Divine Compassion:
    • Divine forgiveness is granted to those who, in ignorance, committed sins.
    • Christ’s sacrifice absorbs sins when the seeker is awakened, but persistence in sinful behavior contradicts the divine strength bestowed upon the individual.
  7. Continuous Struggle and William Blake’s Wisdom:
    • Sahaja Yoga demands continuous effort and struggle against negative forces.
    • Reference to William Blake’s insights underscores the challenges faced by seekers who sway to extremes.
  8. Living in the World with Courage:
    • Sahaja Yoga encourages individuals to live in the world, addressing its defects and challenges.
    • Courage is identified as an essential attribute for Sahaja Yogis, as running away from worldly issues is not the solution.
  9. Equip Yourself with Wisdom and Courage:
    • Wisdom and courage are emphasized as critical attributes for Sahaja Yoga practitioners.
    • The path involves facing the world’s challenges and contributing to its spiritual upliftment.
  10. Courage as a Prerequisite for Sahaja Yoga:
    • Mother unequivocally states that those lacking courage are ill-suited for Sahaja Yoga.
    • The path demands strength, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to overcome challenges.

Maintaining and progressing in Sahaja Yoga requires a blend of wisdom, courage, and a sincere commitment to the transformative journey.

Extracted From Shri Mataji’s lecture:

After coming to Sahaja Yoga, people tell me, “Mother, if you want money we’ll give you. Take two thousands pounds from us.” Many Indians told me that, “But we have no time, we are busy working,” you see. Alright, they have no time. They’ll give me two thousand pounds. What will I do with two thousand pounds? What am I to do?

You go to another class of people, they’ll say, “See, we can join Sahaja Yoga alright, but we cannot give up women, we cannot give up drinking. We cannot give up anything. If you want to have us in Sahaja Yoga, then we are willing to join.” What do I do with them?

It’s very common. You have to transform. It’s a transmutation that has to take place. Sahaja Yoga is not for sale, nor for having people just come along, come along, come along, come along, to have a big grand people here, all drunkards and all addicts and this and that! We have to create beautiful people, something so special that who can enter into the Kingdom of God. There’s no compromise with God! There is no compromise with Divine! You cannot compromise! How can I say that you can do this? You cannot compromise!

At the most, He forgives us. Because we have been ignorant, we have been innocent, we did not know that, this was sinful, we did something, He forgives us. He forgives our sins, alright. Christ had died for us. When He is awakened, he sucks our sins. But we go on with it, we want to continue with it, despite the fact God has given us strength now. His Spirit is emitting through us.

Despite the fact we are realised souls, we are giving realisation to others. How can we continue? We have to fight it! Like William Blake has said that, “You have to do this and you have to do that.” I mean, he must have thought of such people, but he does not know how much people have gone down either to the left or to the right.

So this is what Sahaja Yoga is and that’s why to come to Sahaja Yoga is a simple thing, to get realisation is even simpler – because Mother loves you very much – but to maintain it and to progress in it is rather difficult because I am not asking you to go to Himalayas after realisation, settle down there, don’t meet anybody, don’t talk to anyone.

You have to live in this world with all its defects and with all its problems and to pull it out, out of its satanic forces, out of its doom. You are not to run away from it.

So you have to equip yourself with that wisdom, with that courage. Without courage, you cannot do Sahaja Yoga. Those who have no courage, cannot do Sahaja Yoga – it’s a waste of time, sometimes I feel. It’s a very big flaw with me that I really want to give realisation to everyone and they falter after some time.

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
London (England) | October 19th, 1980

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